Rabbi Spolter Graphic

Torah from Rabbi Spolter

Personal Parshah: Weekly Lessons for Daily Life

Join the weekly Wednesday morning parshah shiur in Yad Binyamin, Israel. The shiur focuses both on the text of the parshah, and the way we can apply the timeless teachings of the Torah to our daily lives.

Agreeing to Disagree: Where Orthodoxy and Reform Differ

Listen to Rabbi Spolter and Rabbi Joe Klein of Temple Emanuel discuss: Agreeing to Disagree -- Orthodox and Reform Judaism. (I've split the file into two segments of 45 minutes each)

Agreeing to disagree - First Half
Agreeing to disagree - Second Half

General Overview of the Laws of Family Purity for Men

Hichot Niddah Survey Shiur for Men

Rena Spolter Graphic

Torah from Rena Spolter

Recent Shiurim from Rena on YUTorah

Rena recently gave a series in Yad Binyaim focusing on the Prophecies of the Three Weeks. Click on the links below to access the shiurim.

Listen to Rena's talk given to the women of YIOP on the deep textual and spiritual message of the book of Esther

Behind the Scenes: The Elusive Main Character of Megillat Esther
Source Sheets  Audio File

Listen to Rena's talk at the Detroit Jewish Federation's Women's Day of Learning about hair covering and tzniut:

Why I Cover My Hair: An Orthodox Perspective
Audio File